Hello everyone! Welcome to this latest report of the December 2017 Senate, Board of Directors and Student Council meetings!
Board of Directors December 2017
The three-year budget of the University has been drawn up. Special attention has been maintained on the quality of the new spaces in view of the upcoming transformations of the Polytechnic Campuses.
A large part of the investment will be used for the realization of the Bonardi project and the Renzo Piano project,which concern the redevelopment of the Clover, buildings A, B, C, D, the restoration of the facades of buildings 12 and 14 and the demolition of building 13A.
Spaces such as the garden behind the rectorate in Campus Leonardo and the entrances of La Masa and its external areas will also be redeveloped and restored.
Senate December 2017
The session of the Academic Senate in December opened with the communication about enrolment,some Engineering degrees have 10-30% more than the places provided (for example Automation, Physics and Mechanics). By architecture all available places have been exhausted and we collect about 17% of the national freshmen. Matriculations for this year have grown by 50 places to 325.
It was also decided, by unanimous vote, not to start new cohorts of three-year and master's degree in the Como pole for the next Academic Year, to achieve the deactivation of the same in two years, while ensuring that the current freshmen can complete their cycle of studies normally.
Exhaustive communication of this will be given by the University and we have asked for guarantees for the students who will have courses back, who will be given the opportunity to follow them either online through the IOL or in the Milan office. We also asked that there be guarantees for the graduation sessions of the current freshmen.
Theeducational offer for the next Academic Year was also presented. Specifically, a new master's degree in"Music and Acoustic Engineering" and a Railway Engineering course for the master's degree in Electrical Engineering are highlighted.
In addition, there will be important changes for Civil-Environmental Engineering of the Lecco Pole, which from next year will be called "Engineering for Risk Mitigation", a change aimed at giving a strong connotation to the professional figure who will leave the course and who follows the flow of specialization of the Pole. Finally, there will be strong changes for the three-year course of "Management Engineering".
5 new proposals for master's degrees are also being studied.
Finally, a new"Honours Programme"was presented, as already presented in the 3I school.
Finally, facilities have been approved for students who practice sports at the highest level: greater flexibility on exam dates and neutralization of compulsory attendance during training periods.
Student Council November-December 2017
The salient point that has been much discussed is the emergency study spaces. Alessandro, the Prime Minister, held the meeting.
The representatives have defined common lines for the proposal of interventions, starting with the redevelopmentof theInterfaculty and other spaces that are, or will be, used for study.
Finally, an ad hoc investigation commission was set up to work on these issues ("Spaces and services"), which together with three others: "Taxes", "Residences" and "Territorial Poles" will work to be proactive towards the University. They will be composed of an even number of people between the various lists.
We hope that these reports will be useful to you readers. So we wish you happy holidays!