In recent days we have had not very comforting news about the number of study spaces available during the most burdensome period of work onthe Leonardo campus, that is, the next academic year 2018/2019.
However, we wish to comfort you because, although the data is not positive, delle_ considerazioni_ must be made:
- During the next academic year there will be a few fewer students at Leonardo as some new engineering freshmen will study temporarily in Bovisa.
- The works arrive in September 2019 with a delta positive study places. This does not mean that they are a reasonable number compared to the expectations and needs of us students, but neither does it mean that the situation at full capacity will worsen.
- We believe that the works in via Bonardi should be viewed with positivity, given that the students will benefit greatly and redevelop an old campus, with the inclusion of 3 new buildings (here the full article:, which will also give additional study spaces once completed.
In light of all this, we believe that the problem exists and that it lasts for over a year, in the period between June 2018 and September 2019.
For this transition period a solution still needs to be found and the topic is on the agenda for the Permanent Student Commission in mid-April, where with the Rector we are sure that we will find a solution that fully guarantees the students, given the great attention of the rectorate on the issue of inconveniences related to the work.
We hope that the other lists will also share the need for the work that is about to be undertaken and who knows if we will be able to obtain, thanks to the Rector, even something more than what we already have at the Polytechnic in terms of the spaces, which are always very close to us.