The new campus of the Polo di Lecco continues to grow, and we are always 100% active to feed it with our ideas to improve the condition of all the students who study there! The last two novelties concern the possibility of parking and improvements to the study stations.
In collaboration with the Management of the Lecco Pole, we managed to get a discounted price for the students of the Polo at the La Piccola Car Park (near the entrance from via Ghislanzoni)!
The structure has in fact agreed on a 25% discount on the monthly subscription, which goes from € 40 to € 30 / month, with the possibility of entry and exit on a free day.
The PC SOCKETS in the new individual study spaces have been installed and are available to everyone!We also remind you that the new desks are available during the lunch break to consume any schiscette, thus avoiding to tanfare the classrooms!
#Stiamolavorandopervoi,in collaboration with the Management of the Lecco Pole, to obtain wider hours for study,both individual and group!
The initial idea is to ensure the opening of the campus on #SABATOfinoalle18 and all the ways to solve the problems related to budjet and safety are being launched.
For other changes to the current timetable we kindly ask you to help us report any needs by responding to the survey:
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