From today the regulations for the final exam of the AUIC school courses are available.
The method and weight of this test does not change: a public discussion will be held on the final paper in the Graduation Session, worth 4 credits, and from passing this test the Degree Title will be obtained.
As for the typology of the final work, it "focuses on the deepening of an architectural theme inherent in the disciplines of the three-year period, from which preparation and ability to deepen, critical awareness of the links between the disciplines considered, competence in the use of the language and forms of architecture".
There are two possibilities: the type A paper consists of an in-depth study of about 60,000 characters (of which 1000 are abstracts) on an architectural theme proposed by one or two candidates and agreed with a supervisor, while the type B paper is produced individually and independently by a student.
If type A turns out to be a classic written thesis, in A4 format, consisting of index, abstract, essay, iconography and bibliography and with a cover that shows the candidate's data and an image inherent to the subject matter, type B, in horizontal format, provides a portfolio with cover, abstract and bibliography (like the previous ones), containing 10 tables written in graphic and written form (a total of 10,000 characters) and a final textual work with which the candidate critically returns the topic of study and highlights the new knowledge acquired through the drafting of the final paper. Each candidate has the freedom to opt for the option he considers convenient, without any constraint except at the time of registration for the final exam, with which the choice is made official.
This enrolment is carried out after obtaining the credits provided for by the didactic regulations. The final paper is written in Italian or English, according to the official language of the course of study, but the title and abstract must be in two languages.
The language of the paper will also be the one with which the discussion will take place at the table of the Degree Commission; the work will be assigned a score from -1 to +8 points,regardless of the type chosen, but only based on the candidate's answers to the commission. The grade subsequently issued is in one hundred and tenths and is calculated following the university criteria and adding the score of the Degree Commission; there is the possibility of obtaining the Praise in the event that the sum of the final score is greater than 111/110.
As for the graduation commissions, they are composed of 5 effective members, including a President and a Secretary; to these shall be added two members, if any substitutes in the event of impediment of the effective members.
Soon you will be able to consult the regulations on the AUIC school website
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