The two days of the CNSU which saw the participation of the councilors of the Confederation – Unilab SvoltaStudenti Angelo Antinoro, Vincenzo Giannico and Francesco Testa ended.
President Andrea Fiorini has appointed Lorenzo Roesel, CLDS and Angelo Antinoro as Vice-President as Secretary of the Bureau. On the first appointment, the Confederation – Unilab SvoltaStudenti group expressed itself in session through a statement by the group leader Vincenzo Giannico: "The choice of President Fiorini and his UDU group was taken without consulting the rest of the forces that make up the majority. Obviously it is in sharp contrast with what was hoped for at the beginning of the mandate and betrays the principles with which this majority was formed and with which this President was appointed, principles of rupture with the last CNSU mandate. On the other hand, we hope that this political choice may not adversely affect the programmatic objectives and the willingness to work that this body and this majority have set themselves from the beginning."Subsequently, the Commissions on the right to study, on the student condition, on teaching, on relations with the world of work, on orientation and internationalization were formed. The latter was entrusted to the presidency of Vincenzo Giannico.
The work ended on the second day with the approval of motions discussed within the Commissions, then the assembly dissolved and met on November 28th.
_Vincenzo Giannico
_Capogruppo Confederation – Unilab SvoltaStudenti