Many are the news that emerged from the last Board of Directors.
The priority objective remains the estimation of DSU grants for those entitled (ISEE < 23000) in un numero minimo di 1700 con inoltre l’estensione della sede dell’alloggio anche all’area metropolitana di Milano e l’estensione al 9 ottobre della scadenza per presentare ricorso per la graduatoria. In addition, in the Residences call+ 40 places have been budgeted through REFIT of the student house and +213 places for the construction of the residence in Piazzale Ferrara (both planned for 2021) and + 246 places in the new residence in via Baldinucci named in memory of prof. Gianluca Spina (not before 2022). Another great novelty is the call for tenders for the purchase of 15,000 Adobe Creative Cloud licenses to be allocated to design students and auic + 280 for the polytechnic workstations + 2500 for professors;
Finally, the theme for the Polisocial Awards was approved, this year defined in favor of projects for "Sport and social inclusion" through the funds coming from the contribution of the 5xmille IRPEF and the establishment of a special prize of 50k for a project branded Olympics 2026.
From the Senate instead come the news for the calendar for the next academic year 2019-2020, the lessons begin on Monday 16 September, in the same month the first appointment for the three-year degree appeals on 26 engineering and 27 both engineering and architecture, in October instead the first appointments for master's degrees with the relative suspension of all teaching activities for the 6 and 7, the lessons will continue regularly until the first of November, a holiday that requires the suspension of all activities, the following week is dedicated instead to the ongoing tests from 4 to 9 November, the last appointment with the master's degrees before the Christmas holidays will be held 17 and 18 December. All activities will be suspended from December 21st and until January 6th. From 7 to 10 January there will be the period without exams, revisions and optional recoveries for laboratories (desing). The winter session then begins on January 13 and ends on the 21st of the following month. Also worth mentioning in February are the degree exams for architecture (11/12) and design
(12/13). Classes resume regularly on February 24th, with the first 1st level degree exams on March 4th for Engineering, and on March 5th for Engineering and AUIC. The second week of April (Monday 6 excluded) will be dedicated to intermediate tests (7, 8 and 9 April); the Easter holidays
will therefore be from 10 to 14. The lessons continue normally until April 25th, Liberation Day, with a suspension on the 28th and 29th to allow the Master's Degrees to take place. The last holidays of the academic year, with consequent interruption of classes, will be May 1st and June 1st and 2nd. The calendar of lessons officially ends on June 5th, while the summer session begins on Monday 15th. Finally, on 21, 22 and 23 July will be the last appointments for first-level degrees, while on 23 and 24 the Master's degrees will be held.
A warm greeting and good luck for the session from the new representatives of the students of Svoltastudenti!
Student Representative on the Board of Directors
Marco and Alessio
Student Representatives in the Academic Senate